// I hate IE so much... if (!String.prototype.includes) { String.prototype.includes = function(search, start) { 'use strict'; if (search instanceof RegExp) { throw TypeError('first argument must not be a RegExp'); } if (start === undefined) { start = 0; } return this.indexOf(search, start) !== -1; }; } if (!Array.prototype.includes) { Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, 'includes', { value: function (searchElement, fromIndex) { // 1. Let O be ? ToObject(this value). if (this == null) { throw new TypeError('"this" is null or not defined'); } var o = Object(this); // 2. Let len be ? ToLength(? Get(O, "length")). var len = o.length >>> 0; // 3. If len is 0, return false. if (len === 0) { return false; } // 4. Let n be ? ToInteger(fromIndex). // (If fromIndex is undefined, this step produces the value 0.) var n = fromIndex | 0; // 5. If n ≥ 0, then // a. Let k be n. // 6. Else n < 0, // a. Let k be len + n. // b. If k < 0, let k be 0. var k = Math.max(n >= 0 ? n : len - Math.abs(n), 0); function sameValueZero(x, y) { return x === y || (typeof x === 'number' && typeof y === 'number' && isNaN(x) && isNaN(y)); } // 7. Repeat, while k < len while (k < len) { // a. Let elementK be the result of ? Get(O, ! ToString(k)). // b. If SameValueZero(searchElement, elementK) is true, return true. // c. Increase k by 1. if (sameValueZero(o[k], searchElement)) { return true; } k++; } // 8. Return false return false; } }); } // Add global methods window.fvstudio_shippingdate = { template: '', language: '', state: {}, selectDelivery: function(idx) { if (['Rock', 'Soul', 'Pop'].includes(fvstudio_shippingdate.template)) { const item = $('.fv-datum .radio-wrapper[data-idx='+idx+'] input'); item.attr('checked', 'checked'); if (location.origin.includes('www.rybizak.cz')) { if (idx === 0) { sessionStorage.setItem('fv_deliverydate', 'asap'); $('#mock-submit-order').hide(); $('#submit-order').show(); } else { const deliveryDate = $('.fv-datum select[name=datepicker]').val(); if (deliveryDate !== 'none') { sessionStorage.setItem('fv_deliverydate', deliveryDate); $('#mock-submit-order').hide(); $('#submit-order').show(); } else { $('#mock-submit-order').show(); $('#submit-order').hide(); } } } } else { $('.fv-datum .radio-wrapper').each(function(itemIdx, item) { if (itemIdx === idx && $(item).find('input').is(':checked')) { $('.fv-datum .radio-wrapper').each(function(uitemIdx, uitem) { uitem.classList.remove('active'); }); item.classList.add('active'); } }); } }, checkTimepickerAvailability: function() { let sel = $('#fvDeliveryDaySelect'); let selVal = 'none'; if (sel == null) { const dt = $('.fv-datum input[name=datepicker]').val(); selVal = dt ? moment(dt, 'DD.MM.YYYY').format('YYYY-MM-DD') : 'none'; } else { selVal = sel.val(); } if (selVal == 'none') { $('#fvDeliveryTimeSelect').attr('disabled', true); } else { $('#fvDeliveryTimeSelect').attr('disabled', false); } }, onDeliveryDateChange: function(type, resetTimeSelect, isDatePicker) { const sel = $('#fvDeliveryDaySelect'); let selVal = sel.val(); if (isDatePicker === true) { const dt = $('.fv-datum input[name=datepicker]').val(); selVal = dt ? moment(dt, 'DD.MM.YYYY').format('YYYY-MM-DD') : 'none'; sel.blur(); } if (type === 'date') { fvstudio_shippingdate.checkTimepickerAvailability(); } if (selVal !== 'none') { if (['Rock', 'Soul', 'Pop'].includes(fvstudio_shippingdate.template)) { $('.fv-datum .radio-wrapper:nth-child(2) input').attr('checked', 'checked'); fvstudio_shippingdate.calculateSlotAvailability(resetTimeSelect); } else { $('.fv-datum .radio-wrapper:nth-child(1)')[0].classList.remove('active'); $('.fv-datum .radio-wrapper:nth-child(1) input').prop('checked', false); $('.fv-datum .radio-wrapper:nth-child(2)')[0].classList.add('active'); $('.fv-datum .radio-wrapper:nth-child(2) input').prop('checked', true); fvstudio_shippingdate.calculateSlotAvailability(resetTimeSelect); } } const selTime = $('#fvDeliveryTimeSelect'); if (selTime.val() !== 'none') { if (['Rock', 'Soul', 'Pop'].includes(fvstudio_shippingdate.template)) { $('.fv-datum .radio-wrapper:nth-child(2) input').attr('checked', 'checked'); } else { $('.fv-datum .radio-wrapper:nth-child(1)')[0].classList.remove('active'); $('.fv-datum .radio-wrapper:nth-child(1) input').prop('checked', false); $('.fv-datum .radio-wrapper:nth-child(2)')[0].classList.add('active'); $('.fv-datum .radio-wrapper:nth-child(2) input').prop('checked', true); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.rybizak.cz')) { const deliveryOption = $('.fv-datum input[name=shippingDate]:checked').val(); if (deliveryOption === 'custom') { const deliveryDate = $('.fv-datum select[name=datepicker]').val(); if (deliveryDate !== 'none') { sessionStorage.setItem('fv_deliverydate', deliveryDate); $('#mock-submit-order').hide(); $('#submit-order').show(); } else { sessionStorage.removeItem('fv_deliverydate'); $('#mock-submit-order').show(); $('#submit-order').hide(); } } } if (location.origin.includes('www.rodinnafarma.com') && type === 'date') { const optHolder = $('#fvOptHolder'); if (optHolder.length === 0) { $(document.createElement('div')).attr('id', 'fvOptHolder').hide().appendTo('body'); } const date = moment(selVal); if (date.format('ddd') === 'Sat') { selTime.val('none'); selTime.find('option[value="t13301800"]').appendTo(optHolder); } else { optHolder.find('option[value="t13301800"]').appendTo(selTime); } } const selectedShippingMethodGuid = sessionStorage.getItem('fv_selectedshippingmethod'); let skipDays = fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.shippingDelay == null ? 1 : fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.shippingDelay; if (fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.addons.shippingMethodSpecificOptions === true && fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.shippingDelayShippingMethods != null) { const methodDelay = fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.shippingDelayShippingMethods.find(function(item) { return item.guid === selectedShippingMethodGuid; }); skipDays = methodDelay ? methodDelay.value : skipDays; } if (type === 'date' && fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.addons.timeSlotsCapacity === false && skipDays === 0 && selVal !== 'none') { const now = moment(); const date = moment(selVal); const selectedShippingMethodGuid = sessionStorage.getItem('fv_selectedshippingmethod'); let increment = fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.deliveryTimesSlotSize || 1; if (fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.addons && fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.addons.shippingMethodSpecificOptions === true && selectedShippingMethodGuid != null) { const methodTimes = fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.deliveryTimesSlotSizeShippingMethods.find(function(item) { return item.guid === selectedShippingMethodGuid; }); increment = methodTimes ? Number(methodTimes.size) : 1; } if (increment === 0) { increment = 1; } if (date.isSame(now, 'day')) { if (location.origin.includes('www.vygruntujeme-eshop.cz')) { $('select#fv-fake-timepicker').remove(); const fakeTimeSelect = $('').appendTo('body'); fakeTimeSelect.hide(); selTime.find('option').clone().appendTo(fakeTimeSelect); } selTime.find('option:not([value="none"])').each(function (index, item) { const opt = $(item); const value = opt.attr('value'); const isExact = value.includes('_exact_'); const timeStart = isExact ? value.substr(-4, 2) : value.substr(1, 2); const timeStartMinute = isExact ? value.substr(-2, 2) : value.substr(3, 2); const timeEnd = isExact ? value.substr(0, 2) : value.substr(5, 2); const timeEndMinute = isExact ? value.substr(2, 2) : value.substr(7, 2); const startMoment = moment().set({ hour: timeStart, minute: timeStartMinute }); const startDiff = moment.duration(startMoment.diff(now)); const endMoment = moment().set({ hour: timeEnd, minute: timeEndMinute }); const endDiff = moment.duration(endMoment.diff(now)); // For customers without slots capacity let slotLockTimeMinutes = 0; let isBefore = startDiff.asMinutes() < slotLockTimeMinutes; if (increment < 1) { const slotMoment = moment().set({ hour: timeStart, minute: timeStartMinute, second: 0 }); isBefore = slotMoment.diff(now, 'minutes') < ((60 * increment) - 1); } if (location.origin.includes('www.iboxik.cz')) { isBefore = Number(timeStart) <= (Number(now.format('HH')) + 4) || Number(timeStart) < 9; } if (location.origin.includes('www.promenada.cz')) { isBefore = Number(timeStart) <= (Number(now.format('HH')) + 2); } if (location.origin.includes('www.vygruntujeme-eshop.cz')) { isBefore = Number(timeStart) <= (Number(now.format('HH')) + 1); } if (location.origin.includes('www.sabilco.cz')) { isBefore = Number(timeStart) <= (Number(now.format('HH')) + 1); } if (location.origin.includes('www.charliesgo.cz') && selectedShippingMethodGuid === '063deedf-1906-11eb-ac23-ac1f6b0076ec') { isBefore = ( Number(timeStart) <= (Number(now.format('HH')) - 1) || (Number(timeStart) === (Number(now.format('HH'))) && (Number(timeStartMinute) - Number(now.format('mm')) < 5)) ); } if (location.origin.includes('www.kvetinystepankova.cz')) { slotLockTimeMinutes = 180; isBefore = startDiff.asMinutes() < slotLockTimeMinutes; } if (location.origin.includes('www.citysushi.sk')) { slotLockTimeMinutes = 90; isBefore = startDiff.asMinutes() < slotLockTimeMinutes; } if (location.origin.includes('www.epultik.cz')) { slotLockTimeMinutes = 90; isBefore = startDiff.asMinutes() < slotLockTimeMinutes; } if (location.origin.includes('www.restaurace-chyne.cz')) { slotLockTimeMinutes = 5; isBefore = endDiff.asMinutes() < slotLockTimeMinutes; } if (location.origin.includes('masokrecek.cz') && index === 0) { isBefore = Number(timeStart) <= (Number(now.format('HH')) + 3); } if (location.origin.includes('www.adamkrupa.cz')) { const slotMoment = moment().set({ hour: timeStart, minute: timeStartMinute, second: 0 }); isBefore = slotMoment.diff(now, 'minutes') < 30; } if (location.origin.includes('www.holandskekvetiny.cz')) { slotLockTimeMinutes = 240; isBefore = startDiff.asMinutes() < slotLockTimeMinutes; } if (location.origin.includes('www.partysluzby.cz')) { isBefore = Number(timeStart) < 14; } if (location.origin.includes('www.klubnika.eu')) { slotLockTimeMinutes = 180; isBefore = Number(timeStart) < 12 ||startDiff.asMinutes() < slotLockTimeMinutes; } if (isBefore) { opt.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); if (location.origin.includes('www.vygruntujeme-eshop.cz')) { $(item).remove(); } if (selTime.val() == null) { selTime.val('none'); } } }); } else { if (location.origin.includes('www.vygruntujeme-eshop.cz')) { const fakeTimeSelect = $('select#fv-fake-timepicker'); if (fakeTimeSelect.length) { selTime.find('option').remove(); fakeTimeSelect.find('option').clone().appendTo(selTime); } } selTime.find('option:not([value="none"])').each(function (index, item) { const opt = $(item); opt.removeAttr('disabled'); opt.removeAttr('hidden'); }); if (location.origin.includes('www.klubnika.eu')) { const diff = moment.duration(date.clone().startOf('day').diff(now.clone().startOf('day'))).asDays(); if (diff === 1) { selTime.find('option:not([value="none"])').each(function (index, item) { const opt = $(item); const value = opt.val(); const isExact = value.includes('_exact_'); const timeStart = isExact ? value.substr(-4, 2) : value.substr(1, 2); if (Number(timeStart) < 12) { opt.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); } if (date.format('ddd') === 'Sun') { selTime.find('option:not([value="none"])').each(function (index, item) { const opt = $(item); const value = opt.val(); const isExact = value.includes('_exact_'); const timeStart = isExact ? value.substr(-4, 2) : value.substr(1, 2); const timeEnd = isExact ? value.substr(0, 2) : value.substr(5, 2); if (Number(timeEnd) > 16) { opt.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.iboxik.cz')) { const diff = moment.duration(date.clone().startOf('day').diff(now.clone().startOf('day'))).asDays(); if (diff === 1 && Number(now.format('HH')) >= 17) { selTime.find('option:not([value="none"])').each(function (index, item) { const opt = $(item); if (index < 2) { opt.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); if (selTime.val() == null) { selTime.val('none'); } } }); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.partysluzby.cz')) { if ((Number(now.format('HH')) >= 9 || ['Sat', 'Sun'].includes(now.format('ddd'))) && $(sel).prop('selectedIndex') === 1) { selTime.find('option:not([value="none"])').each(function (index, item) { const opt = $(item); const value = opt.attr('value'); const isExact = value.includes('_exact_'); const timeStart = isExact ? value.substr(-4, 2) : value.substr(1, 2); if (Number(timeStart) < 14) { opt.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); if (selTime.val() == null) { selTime.val('none'); } } }); } } } } if (type === 'date') { if (location.origin.includes('www.sistersbistro.cz') || location.origin.includes('www.cukrarskala.cz') || location.origin.includes('www.cafeimperialdolce.cz')) { if (type === 'date' && resetTimeSelect) { selTime.val('none'); } const now = moment(); const day = moment(selVal); const nowCompare = now.clone(); let maxHrDiff = 15; if (location.origin.includes('www.cafeimperialdolce.cz')) { maxHrDiff = 23; } selTime.find('option:not([value="none"])').each(function (index, item) { const opt = $(item); opt.removeAttr('disabled'); opt.removeAttr('hidden'); const timeStart = opt.val().substr(1, 4); const timeStartHr = timeStart.substr(0, 2); const timeStartMin = timeStart.substr(2, 2); const dayCompare = day.clone().set({hour: Number(timeStartHr), minute: Number(timeStartMin)}); const hrDiff = dayCompare.diff(nowCompare, 'hours'); if (hrDiff <= maxHrDiff) { opt.attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } }); } } }, calculateSlotAvailability: function(resetTimeSelect) { if (!$('.fv-datum').length) { return; } if (fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.addons.timeSlotsCapacity !== true) { return; } const now = moment(); let deliveryDate = $('.fv-datum select[name=datepicker]').val(); if (fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.addons.datepicker === true) { deliveryDate = moment($('.fv-datum input[name=datepicker]').val(), 'DD.MM.YYYY'); } if (resetTimeSelect) { $('.fv-datum select[name=timepicker]').val('none'); } const isToday = moment(deliveryDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD').isSame(now, 'day'); const isTomorrow = moment(deliveryDate, 'YYYY-MM-DD').isSame(now.clone().add(1, 'day'), 'day'); const allOrders = fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.deliveryTimesSlotsOrders; const dayOrders = allOrders.filter(function (item) { return moment(item.slotDay, 'YYYY-MM-DD').isSame(deliveryDate, 'day'); }); const opts = $('.fv-datum select[name=timepicker] option:not(:nth-child(1))'); const slotCapactities = {}; const nowHour = Number(now.format('HH')); const nowMinute = Number(now.format('mm')); // only allow slot size that are enabled let deliveryTimes = fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.deliveryTimes; if (fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.addons.shippingMethodSpecificOptions === true) { const selectedShippingMethodGuid =sessionStorage.getItem('fv_selectedshippingmethod'); const methodTimes = fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.deliveryTimesShippingMethods.find(function(item) { return item.guid === selectedShippingMethodGuid; }); deliveryTimes = methodTimes ? methodTimes.times : []; } const slotSizes = fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.deliveryTimesSlots .filter(function(item) { return deliveryTimes.includes(item.slot); }); // For customers with slot capacity let slotLockTimeMinutes = 60; if (location.origin.includes('www.wevar.cz')) { slotLockTimeMinutes = 45; } if (location.origin.includes('www.stefanochef.cz')) { slotLockTimeMinutes = 30; } if (location.origin.includes('www.kvetinybrno.cz') && sessionStorage.getItem('fv_selectedshippingmethod') === '0424a956-e5f2-11ea-a065-0cc47a6c92bc') { slotLockTimeMinutes = -90; } let hiddenSlotsCount = 0; $('.fv-datum select[name=timepicker]').find('[value="no-slots-avail"]').remove(); opts.each(function(idx, item) { const el = $(item); $(item).attr('disabled', false); $(item).attr('hidden', false); $(item).find('.sold-out').remove(); const slotKey = el.attr('value'); const startHour = Number(slotKey.substr(1, 2)); const startMinute = Number(slotKey.substr(3, 2)); const startMoment = moment().set({ hour: startHour, minute: startMinute }); const startDiff = moment.duration(startMoment.diff(now)); if ( isToday && startDiff.asMinutes() < slotLockTimeMinutes ) { $(item).attr('disabled', true); $(item).attr('hidden', true); hiddenSlotsCount++; } let slotSize; if (fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.addons.shippingMethodSpecificOptions === true) { const selectedShippingMethodGuid =sessionStorage.getItem('fv_selectedshippingmethod'); slotSize = slotSizes.filter(function(s) { return s.slot === slotKey && s.shippingMethod === selectedShippingMethodGuid; })[0]; } else { slotSize = slotSizes.filter(function(s) { return s.slot === slotKey; })[0]; } if (!slotSize) { // Slot size record not found, so set to disabled $(item).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { // console.log('For', el.text()); let slotOrders = dayOrders.filter(function (order) { return order.slotTime === slotKey; }); if (fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.addons.shippingMethodSpecificOptions === true) { const selectedShippingMethodGuid =sessionStorage.getItem('fv_selectedshippingmethod'); slotOrders = dayOrders.filter(function (order) { return order.slotTime === slotKey && order.shippingMethod === selectedShippingMethodGuid; }); } const usedCap = slotOrders.length; let allowedCap = 0; if (fvstudio_shippingdate.state.settings.addons.shippingMethodSpecificOptions === true) { const selectedShippingMethodGuid =sessionStorage.getItem('fv_selectedshippingmethod'); allowedCap = slotSizes.filter(function (size) { return size.slot === slotKey && size.shippingMethod === selectedShippingMethodGuid; })[0] && slotSizes.filter(function (size) { return size.slot === slotKey && size.shippingMethod === selectedShippingMethodGuid; })[0].size ? Number(slotSizes.filter(function(size) { return size.slot === slotKey && size.shippingMethod === selectedShippingMethodGuid; })[0].size) : 0; } else { allowedCap = slotSizes.filter(function (size) { return size.slot === slotKey; })[0] && slotSizes.filter(function (size) { return size.slot === slotKey; })[0].size ? Number(slotSizes.filter(function(size) { return size.slot === slotKey; })[0].size) : 0; } // console.log('---> used cap', usedCap, '/', allowedCap); // console.log(''); if (usedCap >= allowedCap) { $(item).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); if (location.origin.includes('www.veselabrambora.cz')) { $(item).append(' (vyčerpáno)'); } else { $(item).append(' (vyprodáno)'); } } slotCapactities[slotKey] = allowedCap - usedCap; // Iceland specific time lock if (location.origin.includes('eshop.iceland.cz') && isToday) { const selectedShippingMethodGuid = sessionStorage.getItem('fv_selectedshippingmethod'); if (selectedShippingMethodGuid !== '8fdb2c89-3fae-11e2-a723-705ab6a2ba75') { const lock3Hours = ['0424a956-e5f2-11ea-a065-0cc47a6c92bc', '2285d0b6-3614-11eb-ac23-ac1f6b0076ec']; if (lock3Hours.includes(selectedShippingMethodGuid) && (startHour - nowHour) < 4) { $(item).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (!lock3Hours.includes(selectedShippingMethodGuid) && nowHour > 6) { $(item).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } } } // nadoma.bistrogreen.cz specific time lock if (location.origin.includes('nadoma.bistrogreen.cz') && isToday) { if ((startHour - nowHour) < 2) { $(item).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } } // sladkapohotovost.cz specific time lock if (location.origin.includes('sladkapohotovost.cz')) { if (isToday && (startHour - nowHour) <= 1) { $(item).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (isToday && idx === 0) { $(item).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (isTomorrow && idx === 0 && Number(now.format('HH')) >= 18) { $(item).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } } // eshop.mafita.cz specific time lock if (location.origin.includes('eshop.mafita.cz')) { const lockApplies = ((['Wed'].includes(moment().format('ddd')) && nowHour >= 17) || ['Thu', 'Fri'].includes(moment().format('ddd'))) && deliveryDate.format('ddd') === 'Fri'; if (lockApplies && Math.abs(moment().set({hour: 0, minute: 0}).diff(deliveryDate, 'days')) < 3 && startHour === 8) { $(item).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } } // www.dobrereznictvi.cz specific time lock if (location.origin.includes('www.dobrereznictvi.cz')) { const selectedShippingMethodGuid = sessionStorage.getItem('fv_selectedshippingmethod'); if (selectedShippingMethodGuid === '08ccfaa3-88dd-11ec-90ab-b8ca3a6a5ac4' && isTomorrow && nowHour >= 12) { if ((idx + 1) < opts.length) { $(item).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } } } } // Override for iceland to disable some slots during Christmas if ( location.origin.includes('eshop.iceland.cz') && sessionStorage.getItem('fv_selectedshippingmethod') === '0424a956-e5f2-11ea-a065-0cc47a6c92bc' ) { if (deliveryDate === '2021-12-24' && startHour >= 13) { $(item).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } if (deliveryDate === '2021-12-31' && startHour >= 15) { $(item).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } } }); // No slots for today note if (slotSizes.length > 0 && hiddenSlotsCount === slotSizes.length) { const noSlotsNoteHtml = ''; $('.fv-datum select[name=timepicker]').append(noSlotsNoteHtml); } }, empty_deliveryday_alert: function() { alert('Vyberte prosím požadované datum, případně zvolte možnost Co nejdříve.'); }, run: function(template, language, projectId) { const currentPath = String(window.location.pathname); if ( !currentPath.includes('kosik') && !currentPath.includes('objednavka') && !currentPath.includes('cart') && !currentPath.includes('order') && !currentPath.includes('kosar') && !currentPath.includes('rendeles') && !currentPath.includes('cos-de-cumparaturi') && !currentPath.includes('comanda') && !currentPath.includes('warenkorb') && !currentPath.includes('bestellung') && !currentPath.includes('koszyk') && !currentPath.includes('zamowienie') && !currentPath.includes('gio-hang') && !currentPath.includes('dat-hang') ) { return; } if (( location.origin.includes('www.safework.cz') || location.origin.includes('www.safework.sk') || location.origin.includes('www.suchy-led.cz') || location.origin.includes('www.suchylad.eu') || location.origin.includes('www.termoboxy.cz') || location.origin.includes('www.termoboxy.sk') ) && shoptet.tracking.productsList == null) { console.log('Tracking not loaded yet, wait up...'); setTimeout(function() { fvstudio_shippingdate.run(template, language, projectId); }, 200); return; } fvstudio_shippingdate.template = template; fvstudio_shippingdate.language = language; const API_URL = 'https://doplnky.fv-studio.cz/shippingdate'; const state = { headerText: '', settings: {}, }; let deliveryTimesOptions = {}; let ORDER_SLOTS_ENABLED = false; // Global exceptions for shops let EXCP_HIDE_ASAP = false; let USE_DATEPICKER_DROPDOWN = false; const i18nlol = { cs: { title: 'Datum odeslání', asap: 'Co nejdříve', custom: 'Vybrat datum', select: 'Vybrat', selectDate: 'Vybrat datum', selectTime: 'Vybrat čas', selectTimeAddon: 'Upřesnit výběr', chooseDate: 'Vyberte datum', timeAddonOptions: { asap: 'Doručit v první hodině vybraného časového okna', withinSlot: 'Doručit kdykoliv ve vybraném časovém okně', anytime: 'Na vybraném časovém okně mi nezáleží. Doručit kdykoliv do 16:00.', }, dayNames: { mon: 'Pondělí', tue: 'Úterý', wed: 'Středa', thu: 'Čtvrtek', fri: 'Pátek', sat: 'Sobota', sun: 'Neděle', }, selectedDate: 'Zvolené datum: ', warningSelect: 'Vyberte prosím požadované datum.', warningSelectTime: 'Vyberte prosím požadované datum a čas.', warningSelectAsap: 'Vyberte prosím požadované datum, případně zvolte možnost Co nejdříve.', warningSelectTimeAsap: 'Vyberte prosím požadované datum a čas, případně zvolte možnost Co nejdříve.', noSlotsForDayAnymore: 'Na tento den už nejsou k dispozici žádná časová okna', }, sk: { title: 'Dátum odoslania', asap: 'Čo najskôr', custom: 'Vybrať dátum', select: 'Vybrať', selectDate: 'Vybrať dátum', selectTime: 'Vybrať čas', selectTimeAddon: 'Upresnit výber', chooseDate: 'Vyberte datum', timeAddonOptions: { asap: 'Doručit v první hodině vybraného časového okna', withinSlot: 'Doručit kdykoliv ve vybraném časovém okně', anytime: 'Na vybraném časovém okně mi nezáleží. Doručit kdykoliv do 16:00.', }, dayNames: { mon: 'Pondelok', tue: 'Utorok', wed: 'Streda', thu: 'Štvrtok', fri: 'Piatok', sat: 'Sobota', sun: 'Nedeľa', }, selectedDate: 'Zvolený dátum: ', warningSelect: 'Vyberte prosím požadovaný dátum.', warningSelectTime: 'Vyberte prosím požadovaný dátum a čas.', warningSelectAsap: 'Vyberte prosím požadovaný dátum, prípadne zvoľte možnosť Čo najskôr.', warningSelectTimeAsap: 'Vyberte prosím požadovaný dátum a čas, prípadne zvoľte možnosť Čo najskôr.', noSlotsForDayAnymore: 'Na tento deň už nie sú k dispozícii žiadne časové okná', }, en: { title: 'Shipping date', asap: 'As soon as possible', custom: 'Pick a day', select: 'Select', selectDate: 'Select a day', selectTime: 'Select time', selectTimeAddon: 'Specify time', chooseDate: 'Pick a day', timeAddonOptions: { asap: 'During the first hour of the time slot', withinSlot: 'Any time during the selected time slot', anytime: 'Anytime during the day, regardless of the time slot (delivery by 16:00)', }, dayNames: { mon: 'Monday', tue: 'Tuesday', wed: 'Wednesday', thu: 'Thursday', fri: 'Friday', sat: 'Saturday', sun: 'Sunday', }, selectedDate: 'Selected date: ', warningSelect: 'Please select a date.', warningSelectTime: 'Plase select a date and time.', warningSelectAsap: 'Please select a date, or select the As soon as possible option.', warningSelectTimeAsap: 'Plase select a date and time, or select the As soon as possible option.', noSlotsForDayAnymore: 'No delivery slots are available for this day any more', }, vi: { title: 'Ngày giao hàng', asap: 'Sớm nhất có thể', custom: 'Chọn ngày', select: 'Chọn', selectDate: 'Chọn ngày', selectTime: 'Chọn giờ', selectTimeAddon: 'Xác định giờ', timeAddonOptions: { asap: 'During the first hour of the time slot', withinSlot: 'Any time during the selected time slot', anytime: 'Anytime during the day, regardless of the time slot (delivery by 16:00)', }, chooseDate: 'Chọn ngày', dayNames: { mon: 'Thứ hai', tue: 'Thứ ba', wed: 'Thứ tư', thu: 'Thứ năm', fri: 'Thứ sáu', sat: 'Thứ bảy', sun: 'Chủ nhật', }, selectedDate: 'Chọn ngày: ', warningSelect: 'Hãy chọn ngày giao.', warningSelectTime: 'Hãy chọn ngày và giờ giao.', warningSelectAsap: 'Hãy chọn ngày giao, hoặc chọn Sớm nhất có thể.', warningSelectTimeAsap: 'Hãy chọn ngày và giờ giao, hoặc chọn Sớm nhất có thể.', noSlotsForDayAnymore: 'Không còn khả năng giao hàng cho ngày này nữa', }, }; i18nlol['de'] = i18nlol['en']; i18nlol['hu'] = i18nlol['en']; i18nlol['ro'] = i18nlol['en']; fvstudio_shippingdate.i18n = i18nlol; function deliveryTimesOptionsGenerator(shippingMethodGuid = null) { let increment = state.settings.deliveryTimesSlotSize || 1; if (state.settings.addons && state.settings.addons.shippingMethodSpecificOptions === true && shippingMethodGuid != null) { const methodTimes = state.settings.deliveryTimesSlotSizeShippingMethods.find(function(item) { return item.guid === shippingMethodGuid; }); increment = methodTimes ? Number(methodTimes.size) : 1; } if (increment === 0) { increment = 1; } let offsetMinutes = state.settings.deliveryTimesSlotStartOffset || 0; if (state.settings.addons && state.settings.addons.shippingMethodSpecificOptions === true && shippingMethodGuid != null) { const methodTimes = state.settings.deliveryTimesSlotStartOffsetShippingMethods.find(function(item) { return item.guid === shippingMethodGuid; }); offsetMinutes = methodTimes ? Number(methodTimes.value) : 0; } const slots = {}; const time = moment().utc().set({ hour: 0, minute: 0, second: 0 }); if (offsetMinutes > 0) { time.add(offsetMinutes, 'minutes'); } const nowDay = time.format('D'); while(time.format('D') === nowDay) { const start = time.clone(); time.add(increment, 'hours'); const end = time.clone(); slots['t' + start.format('HHmm') + end.format('HHmm')] = start.format('HH:mm') + ' - ' + end.format('HH:mm'); } return slots; } function generateShopId() { return (function() { const b = []; for (let i = 0; i < location.origin.length; i++) b.push(location.origin.charCodeAt(i)); return b.join(''); })(); } function isDateHoliday(momentDate) { // AUTHOR: https://github.com/SmallhillCZ/czech-holidays const holidayDates = { cs: [ { d: 1, m: 1 }, { d: 1, m: 5 }, { d: 8, m: 5 }, { d: 5, m: 7 }, { d: 6, m: 7 }, { d: 28, m: 9 }, { d: 28, m: 10 }, { d: 17, m: 11 }, { d: 24, m: 12 }, { d: 25, m: 12 }, { d: 26, m: 12 }, ], sk: [ { d: 1, m: 1 }, { d: 6, m: 1 }, { d: 1, m: 5 }, { d: 8, m: 5 }, { d: 5, m: 7 }, { d: 29, m: 8 }, { d: 1, m: 9 }, { d: 15, m: 9 }, { d: 1, m: 11 }, { d: 17, m: 11 }, { d: 24, m: 12 }, { d: 25, m: 12 }, { d: 26, m: 12 }, ], en: [], }; // https://gist.github.com/johndyer/0dffbdd98c2046f41180c051f378f343 function getEaster(year) { var f = Math.floor, // Golden Number - 1 G = year % 19, C = f(year / 100), // related to Epact H = (C - f(C / 4) - f((8 * C + 13) / 25) + 19 * G + 15) % 30, // number of days from 21 March to the Paschal full moon I = H - f(H / 28) * (1 - f(29 / (H + 1)) * f((21 - G) / 11)), // weekday for the Paschal full moon J = (year + f(year / 4) + I + 2 - C + f(C / 4)) % 7, // number of days from 21 March to the Sunday on or before the Paschal full moon L = I - J, month = 3 + f((L + 40) / 44), day = L + 28 - 31 * f(month / 4); return { m: month, d: day }; } function HolidaysList(year, lang) { const holidays = holidayDates[lang] ? JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(holidayDates[lang])) : []; const easterSunday = getEaster(year); const easterFridayDate = new Date(year, easterSunday.m - 1, easterSunday.d); easterFridayDate.setDate(easterFridayDate.getDate() - 2); const easterMondayDate = new Date(year, easterSunday.m - 1, easterSunday.d); easterMondayDate.setDate(easterMondayDate.getDate() + 1); holidays.push({ d: easterFridayDate.getDate(), m: easterFridayDate.getMonth() + 1 }); holidays.push({ d: easterMondayDate.getDate(), m: easterMondayDate.getMonth() + 1 }); holidays.sort(function (a, b) { return a.m - b.m || a.d - b.d; }); return holidays; } const year = momentDate.format('YYYY'); const holidays = HolidaysList(Number(year), language); const d = Number(momentDate.format('D')); const m = Number(momentDate.format('M')); return holidays.some(function (item) { return item.d === d && item.m === m; }); } function generateHTMLWrapper(headerText, products) { $('.fv-datum').remove(); let dateOptionsHTML = ''; let daysToSAdd = 14; let addDates = []; if (USE_DATEPICKER_DROPDOWN) { daysToSAdd = 31 * 6; } let addedDays = 0; let dayIndex = 1; let skipDays = state.settings.shippingDelay == null ? 1 : state.settings.shippingDelay; let skippedDays = 1; let altSkipDays = false; // Days count for every day, not only the allowed days const now = moment(); let showTimePicker = true; let showDatePicker = true; ORDER_SLOTS_ENABLED = state.settings.addons && state.settings.addons.timeSlotsCapacity === true; const SHIPPING_METHODS_ENABLED = state.settings.addons && state.settings.addons.shippingMethodSpecificOptions === true; let selectedShippingMethodName = null; let selectedShippingMethodGuid = null; let selectedShippingMethodId = null; if (SHIPPING_METHODS_ENABLED) { if (['Rock', 'Soul', 'Pop'].includes(template)) { const shippingMethod = $('#order-shipping-methods input[name="shippingId"]:checked'); selectedShippingMethodName = shippingMethod.siblings('strong.shipping-billing-name').text(); selectedShippingMethodGuid = shippingMethod.attr('data-guid'); } else { const shippingMethod = $('#order-shipping-methods input[name="shippingId"]:checked'); selectedShippingMethodName = shippingMethod.siblings('label').find('.payment-info b').text(); selectedShippingMethodGuid = shippingMethod.attr('data-guid'); selectedShippingMethodId = shippingMethod.attr('value'); } } if (SHIPPING_METHODS_ENABLED && state.settings.shippingDelayShippingMethods != null) { const methodDelay = state.settings.shippingDelayShippingMethods.find(function(item) { return item.guid === selectedShippingMethodGuid; }); skipDays = methodDelay ? methodDelay.value : skipDays; } let cursomRollDayThreshold = 0; if (location.origin.includes('www.kytkyzestatku.cz')) { const shippingMethodsToLock = [ '2ec88ea7-3fb0-11e2-a723-705ab6a2ba75', 'f7e5eed2-6059-11ed-90ab-b8ca3a6a5ac4' ]; if (shippingMethodsToLock.includes(selectedShippingMethodGuid)) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 16; if ( Number(now.format('H')) > cursomRollDayThreshold || ( Number(now.format('H')) === cursomRollDayThreshold && Number(now.format('m')) > 30 ) ) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } } if (location.origin.includes('www.pekarstvirozvoz.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 15; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.rodinnafarma.com')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 9; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('eshop.votreplaisir.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 18; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.jsemdole.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 14; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.relax-postele.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 15; if (['Sat', 'Sun'].includes(now.format('ddd')) || Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { switch (now.format('ddd')) { case 'Fri': now.add(3, 'days'); break; case 'Sat': now.add(2, 'days'); break; default: now.add(1, 'days'); break; } } } if (location.origin.includes('eshop.crosscafe.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 16; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.brnenskyfrgal.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 14; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('682142.myshoptet.com')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 18; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.pletynka.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 17; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.baron.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 12; /*if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); }*/ if (['Sat', 'Sun'].includes(now.format('ddd')) || Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { switch (now.format('ddd')) { case 'Fri': now.add(3, 'days'); break; case 'Sat': now.add(2, 'days'); break; default: now.add(1, 'days'); break; } } } if (location.origin.includes('www.iboxik.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 16; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('537135.myshoptet.com')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 12; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.desi.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 12; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('eshop.artebianca.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 13; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.easy-catering.sk')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 11; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('533672.myshoptet.com')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 17; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.farmos.cz')) { let shiftDays = 0; if (now.format('ddd') === 'Tue') { shiftDays = 4; } else { if (now.format('ddd') === 'Mon' && Number(now.format('H')) >= 23) { shiftDays = 5; } else { shiftDays = 3; } } if (selectedShippingMethodGuid === '80688d69-8bc9-11eb-90ab-b8ca3a6a5ac4' && shiftDays > 0) { // Doprava Streda shiftDays -= 1; } now.add(shiftDays, 'days'); } if (location.origin.includes('www.jidlosem.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 12; if ( (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold && Number(now.format('mm')) > 30) || Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold + 1 ) { now.add(1, 'days'); if (Number(now.format('d')) === 6) { now.add(2, 'days'); } if (Number(now.format('d')) === 0) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } else { if (Number(now.format('d')) === 6) { now.add(2, 'days'); } if (Number(now.format('d')) === 0) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } } if (location.origin.includes('eshop.iceland.cz')) { daysToSAdd = 3; } if (location.origin.includes('www.warisch.cz')) { daysToSAdd = 5; } if (location.origin.includes('www.sabilco.cz')) { daysToSAdd = 2; } if (location.origin.includes('www.warisch.cz')) { daysToSAdd = 5; } if (location.origin.includes('www.topflor.cz')) { daysToSAdd = 4; } if (location.origin.includes('www.obchod-kufry.cz')) { daysToSAdd = 5; } if (location.origin.includes('www.masokrecek.cz')) { daysToSAdd = 14; } if (location.origin.includes('www.mysakdomu.cz')) { daysToSAdd = 90; } if (location.origin.includes('www.mrsalatoff.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 18; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.vyhodnyrozvoz.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 19; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('pribram.prodejnyzeman.cz') && Array.isArray(state.settings.deliveryTimesShippingMethods)) { const methodTimes = state.settings.deliveryTimesShippingMethods.find(function(item) { return item.guid === selectedShippingMethodGuid; }); if (methodTimes != null && Array.isArray(methodTimes.times)) { const firstHour = Number(methodTimes.times[0].substr(1, 2)); cursomRollDayThreshold = firstHour - 2; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } } // eshop.starobelskypivovar.cz if (projectId === '416469') { cursomRollDayThreshold = 15; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { if (now.format('ddd') === 'Thu') { now.add(2, 'days'); } else { now.add(1, 'days'); } } else { if (now.format('ddd') === 'Fri') { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (selectedShippingMethodGuid === '8fdb2c89-3fae-11e2-a723-705ab6a2ba75') { // Pivovar ostrava daysToSAdd = 16; } else { daysToSAdd = 8; } } if (location.origin.includes('unknownshopfornow.janeviemus.cz')) { altSkipDays = true; } if (location.origin.includes('www.vygruntujeme-eshop.cz')) { daysToSAdd = 4; } if (location.origin.includes('www.robertson.cz') && selectedShippingMethodGuid === '8fdb2c89-3fae-11e2-a723-705ab6a2ba75') { daysToSAdd = 30; } // pekarstvijilek.cz if (projectId === '418057') { cursomRollDayThreshold = 14; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } //if (location.origin.includes('www.rodinnafarma.com')) { //if (now.format('ddd') === 'Sat' && now.format('H') > 5) { //now.add(1, 'days'); //} //} if (location.origin.includes('www.bibifood.cz')) { const limitedGuids = [ 'ad9749d2-8d3f-11ea-90ab-b8ca3a6a5ac4', '2ec88ea7-3fb0-11e2-a723-705ab6a2ba75', '8fdb2c89-3fae-11e2-a723-705ab6a2ba75', '660d3767-1c13-11eb-90ab-b8ca3a6a5ac4', '90dfbcd9-325a-11ec-90ab-b8ca3a6a5ac4' ]; if (limitedGuids.includes(selectedShippingMethodGuid)) { skipDays = 0; switch (now.format('ddd')) { case 'Mon': now.add(1, 'days'); break; case 'Tue': now.add(1, 'days'); break; case 'Wed': now.add(5, 'days'); break; case 'Thu': now.add(4, 'days'); break; case 'Fri': now.add(3, 'days'); break; case 'Sat': now.add(2, 'days'); break; case 'Sun': now.add(1, 'days'); break; } } } if (location.origin.includes('www.rozvoz-kvetov.sk')) { // Osobni odber if (selectedShippingMethodGuid === '8fdb2c89-3fae-11e2-a723-705ab6a2ba75' || selectedShippingMethodGuid === '0f1a7087-34e9-11ec-a39f-002590dc5efc') { if (now.format('ddd') === 'Sun') { now.add(1, 'days'); } else if (now.format('ddd') === 'Sat') { if (now.format('H') >= 13) { now.add(2, 'days'); } } else { if (now.format('H') >= 17) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } } // Kuryr SVK if (selectedShippingMethodGuid === '9f77560d-6c02-11ec-b563-002590dc5efc') { if (now.format('H') >= 17) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } // Kuryr BA if (selectedShippingMethodGuid === '2ec88ea7-3fb0-11e2-a723-705ab6a2ba75') { if (now.format('H') >= 17) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } } if (location.origin.includes('www.masokrecek.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 11; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.dobrereznictvi.cz')) { if (selectedShippingMethodId !== '321') { cursomRollDayThreshold = 12; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } } if (location.origin.includes('eshop.mafita.cz')) { if (selectedShippingMethodGuid === 'ff2516f5-cc51-11ec-90ab-b8ca3a6a5ac4' || selectedShippingMethodGuid === '371abe56-cc52-11ec-90ab-b8ca3a6a5ac4') { skipDays = 0; switch (now.format('ddd')) { case 'Mon': now.add(5, 'days'); break; case 'Tue': now.add(4, 'days'); break; case 'Wed': now.add(3, 'days'); break; case 'Thu': now.add(2, 'days'); break; case 'Fri': now.add(8, 'days'); break; case 'Sat': now.add(7, 'days'); break; case 'Sun': now.add(6, 'days'); break; } } } if (location.origin.includes('www.safework.cz')) { const allowedCategories = [ 'suchý led', 'termoboxy', ]; const products = shoptet.tracking.productsList; const isEligibleCategory = Object.entries(products).some(item => { const entry = item[1]; const eligible = allowedCategories.some(cat => entry.content_category.toLowerCase().includes(cat)); if (eligible) { return dataLayer[0].shoptet.cart.some(cItem => cItem.code === entry.content_ids[0]) } return false; }); if (isEligibleCategory === false) { return; } cursomRollDayThreshold = 12; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.safework.sk')) { const allowedCategories = [ 'suchý ľad', 'termoboxy', ]; const products = shoptet.tracking.productsList; const isEligibleCategory = Object.entries(products).some(item => { const entry = item[1]; const eligible = allowedCategories.some(cat => entry.content_category.toLowerCase().includes(cat)); if (eligible) { return dataLayer[0].shoptet.cart.some(cItem => cItem.code === entry.content_ids[0]) } return false; }); if (isEligibleCategory === false) { return; } cursomRollDayThreshold = 12; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.suchylad.eu')) { const allowedCategories = [ 'suchý ľad', 'termoboxy', ]; const products = shoptet.tracking.productsList; const isEligibleCategory = Object.entries(products).some(item => { const entry = item[1]; const eligible = allowedCategories.some(cat => entry.content_category.toLowerCase().includes(cat)); if (eligible) { return dataLayer[0].shoptet.cart.some(cItem => cItem.code === entry.content_ids[0]) } return false; }); if (isEligibleCategory === false) { return; } cursomRollDayThreshold = 12; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.suchy-led.cz')) { const allowedCategories = [ 'suchý led', 'termoboxy', ]; const products = shoptet.tracking.productsList; const isEligibleCategory = Object.entries(products).some(item => { const entry = item[1]; const eligible = allowedCategories.some(cat => entry.content_category.toLowerCase().includes(cat)); if (eligible) { return dataLayer[0].shoptet.cart.some(cItem => cItem.code === entry.content_ids[0]) } return false; }); if (isEligibleCategory === false) { return; } cursomRollDayThreshold = 12; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.termoboxy.cz') || location.origin.includes('www.termoboxy.sk')) { const allowedCategories = [ 'suchý led', 'termoboxy', ]; const products = shoptet.tracking.productsList; const isEligibleCategory = Object.entries(products).some(item => { const entry = item[1]; const eligible = allowedCategories.some(cat => entry.content_category.toLowerCase().includes(cat)); if (eligible) { return dataLayer[0].shoptet.cart.some(cItem => cItem.code === entry.content_ids[0]) } return false; }); if (isEligibleCategory === false) { return; } cursomRollDayThreshold = 12; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.mychef.kitchen') || location.origin.includes('gourmet.mychef.kitchen')) { altSkipDays = true; if (now.format('ddd') === 'Fri' && Number(now.format('H')) >= 14) { now.add(1, 'days'); } if (now.format('ddd') === 'Sat') { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.freezypeezy.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 14; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.tamda-chlazenep.eu') || location.origin.includes('www.tamda-chlazeneu.eu')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 15; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.eatkrabicky.cz')) { altSkipDays = true; } // matejovopekarstvi.cz if (location.origin.includes('640698.myshoptet.com') || location.origin.includes('matejovopekarstvi.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 11; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.partysluzby.cz')) { daysToSAdd = 60; cursomRollDayThreshold = 9; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(1, 'days'); } if (now.format('ddd') === 'Sat') { now.add(2, 'days'); } else if (now.format('ddd') === 'Sun') { now.add(1, 'days'); } } if (location.origin.includes('www.dk-obchod.cz')) { cursomRollDayThreshold = 15; if (Number(now.format('H')) >= cursomRollDayThreshold) { now.add(2, 'days'); } } if (skipDays === 0) { skipDays = 0; skippedDays = 0; dayIndex = 0; } let enabledDeliveryDays = state.settings.deliveryDays; if (SHIPPING_METHODS_ENABLED) { const methodDays = state.settings.deliveryDaysShippingMethods.find(function(item) { return item.guid === selectedShippingMethodGuid; }); enabledDeliveryDays = methodDays ? methodDays.days : []; } let exceptionsAllowed = state.settings.exceptionsAvailable; if (SHIPPING_METHODS_ENABLED && state.settings.exceptionsAvailableShippingMethods.some(item => item.guid === selectedShippingMethodGuid)) { exceptionsAllowed = state.settings.exceptionsAvailableShippingMethods.filter(item => item.guid === selectedShippingMethodGuid).map(item => item.date); } exceptionsAllowed.sort(); let exceptionAllowedOnly = false; if (enabledDeliveryDays.length === 0 && exceptionsAllowed.length) { daysToSAdd = exceptionsAllowed.length - skipDays; exceptionAllowedOnly = true; } let stopAdd = false; if (enabledDeliveryDays.length || exceptionsAllowed.length) { while(addedDays < daysToSAdd) { const day = now.clone().add(dayIndex, 'days'); let dayName = day.format('ddd'); const isHoliday = isDateHoliday(day); if (isHoliday) { dayName = 'hol'; } let isExceptionAllowed = state.settings.exceptionsAvailable.includes(day.format('YYYY-MM-DD')); let isExceptionDisallowed = state.settings.exceptionsUnavailable.includes(day.format('YYYY-MM-DD')); if (SHIPPING_METHODS_ENABLED) { if (!isExceptionAllowed) { isExceptionAllowed = state.settings.exceptionsAvailableShippingMethods.some(item => item.guid === selectedShippingMethodGuid && item.date === day.format('YYYY-MM-DD')); } if (!isExceptionDisallowed) { isExceptionDisallowed = state.settings.exceptionsUnavailableShippingMethods.some(item => item.guid === selectedShippingMethodGuid && item.date === day.format('YYYY-MM-DD')); } } let isEnabled = enabledDeliveryDays .map(function(item) { return item; }) .includes(dayName.toLowerCase()); if (isExceptionDisallowed) { isEnabled = false; } if (isExceptionAllowed) { isEnabled = true; } // Ocean48 disable after 31.12.2024 if (location.origin.includes('eshop.ocean48.cz') && day.format('YYYY') > '2024') { break; } if ( exceptionAllowedOnly && day.format('YYYY-MM-DD') > exceptionsAllowed[exceptionsAllowed.length - 1] ) { break; } if (location.origin.includes('www.veselabrambora.cz') && isEnabled) { const daysDiff = day.diff(now, 'days'); if (daysDiff < 2 || (now.format('ddd') === 'Fri' && daysDiff <= 3) || (now.format('ddd') === 'Sat' && daysDiff <= 2)) { isEnabled = false; } } if (altSkipDays === true && skippedDays < skipDays) { skippedDays++; dayIndex++; continue; } if (isEnabled) { if (altSkipDays === false && skippedDays < skipDays) { skippedDays++; } else { addedDays++; if (location.origin.includes('pribram.prodejnyzeman.cz') && now.format('W') !== day.format('W')) { stopAdd = true; } if (location.origin.includes('www.zezahora.sk')) { const nowCompare = now.clone().set({hour: 12, minute: 0}); const dayCompare = day.clone().set({hour: 12, minute: 0}); const hrDiff = dayCompare.diff(nowCompare, 'hours'); if (hrDiff <= 24) { dayIndex++; continue; } } if (stopAdd) { continue; } dateOptionsHTML += ''; addDates.push(day.format('YYYY-MM-DD')); } } dayIndex++; } } else { showDatePicker = false; } state.shippingMethodDateSelectEnabled = showDatePicker; const TIMES_ENABLED = state.settings.addons && state.settings.addons.times === true && state.settings.deliveryTimesEnabled === true; let timeOptionsHTML = ''; let enabledDeliveryTimes = null; if (TIMES_ENABLED && state.settings.deliveryTimes) { enabledDeliveryTimes = state.settings.deliveryTimes; let timeDisplayType = state.settings.deliveryTimesType; if (SHIPPING_METHODS_ENABLED) { const methodTimes = state.settings.deliveryTimesShippingMethods.find(function(item) { return item.guid === selectedShippingMethodGuid; }); enabledDeliveryTimes = methodTimes ? methodTimes.times : []; if (methodTimes) { deliveryTimesOptions = deliveryTimesOptionsGenerator(methodTimes.guid); sessionStorage.setItem('fv_selectedshippingmethod', methodTimes.guid); } const methodDisplayType = state.settings.deliveryTimesTypeShippingMethods.find(function(item) { return item.guid === selectedShippingMethodGuid; }); if (methodDisplayType) { timeDisplayType = methodDisplayType.type; } else { timeDisplayType = 'range'; } } // Slot display type is not supported for capacity if (state.settings.addons.timeSlotsCapacity) { timeDisplayType = 'range'; } if (SHIPPING_METHODS_ENABLED && enabledDeliveryTimes.length === 0) { showTimePicker = false; } const exactTimesAdded = []; enabledDeliveryTimes .map(function(item) { return item; }) .sort() .forEach(function(item) { if (timeDisplayType === 'range') { timeOptionsHTML += ''; } else { const timeStart = item.substr(1, 4); const timeEnd = item.substr(5, 4); if (!exactTimesAdded.includes(timeStart)) { timeOptionsHTML += ''; exactTimesAdded.push(timeStart); } if (!exactTimesAdded.includes(timeEnd)) { timeOptionsHTML += ''; exactTimesAdded.push(timeEnd); } } }); } const CUSTOM_LABELS_ENABLED = state.settings.addons && state.settings.addons.customLabels === true; const headerTitle = state.headerText && state.headerText ? (typeof state.headerText === 'string' ? state.headerText : (state.headerText[language] ? state.headerText[language] : i18nlol[language].title)) : i18nlol[language].title; const asapLabel = CUSTOM_LABELS_ENABLED && state.asapLabel ? (typeof state.asapLabel === 'string' ? state.asapLabel : (state.asapLabel[language] ? state.asapLabel[language] : i18nlol[language].asap)) : i18nlol[language].asap; const asapTooltip = CUSTOM_LABELS_ENABLED && state.asapTooltip ? (typeof state.asapTooltip === 'string' ? state.asapTooltip : (state.asapTooltip[language] ? state.asapTooltip[language] : null)) : null; const datePickerTooltip = CUSTOM_LABELS_ENABLED && state.datePickerTooltip ? (typeof state.datePickerTooltip === 'string' ? state.datePickerTooltip : (state.datePickerTooltip[language] ? state.datePickerTooltip[language] : null)) : null; const dateSelectLabel = CUSTOM_LABELS_ENABLED && state.dateSelectLabel ? (typeof state.dateSelectLabel === 'string' ? state.dateSelectLabel : (state.dateSelectLabel[language] ? state.dateSelectLabel[language] : i18nlol[language].custom)) : i18nlol[language].custom; let datePickerHTML = '' + ''; if (USE_DATEPICKER_DROPDOWN) { datePickerHTML = ''; } let timePickerHTML = '' + ''; if (location.origin.includes('www.brnenskyfrgal.cz')) { timePickerHTML = '' + '
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Váš prohlížeč Internet Explorer není naším e-shopem podporován.
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